Professional occupations in education services

This sub-major group comprises professional occupations in education services, including university professors and post-secondary assistants; college and other vocational instructors; secondary, elementary and kindergarten school teachers.

4120 · University professors and post-secondary assistants
1 Job

This minor group comprises university professors and lecturers, and post-secondary teaching and research assistants. They are employed by universities and colleges. Print | Imprimer

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4121 · College and other vocational instructors
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This minor group comprises college and other vocational instructors. They teach at community colleges, CEGEPs, agricultural colleges, technical and vocational institutes, language schools and other college level schools. This minor group also includes trainers who are employed by private training establishments, companies, community agencies and governments to deliver internal training or development courses. Print | Imprimer

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4122 · Secondary, elementary and kindergarten school teachers
2 Jobs

This minor group comprises secondary, elementary and kindergarten school teachers. They are employed by public and private secondary and elementary schools, school boards, and post-secondary educational institutions. Print | Imprimer

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