Professional occupations in government services

This sub-major group comprises professional occupations in government services, including natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers; economists and economic policy researchers and analysts; business development officers and market researchers and analysts; researchers, consultants and program officers in the areas of social policy, health policy, education policy, recreation, sports and fitness policy; program officers unique to government; and other professional occupations in social science.

4140 · Policy and program researchers, consultants and officers
10 Jobs

This minor group comprises professional occupations in government services, including natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers; economists and economic policy researchers and analysts; business development officers and market researchers and analysts; consultants and program officers in the areas of social policy, health policy, education policy, recreation, sports and fitness policy; program officers unique to government; and other professional occupations in social science. They are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments, and government agencies; universities, educational institutions, and school boards; research, international, non-government, and environmental and conservation organizations; consulting, marketing, and investment companies; banks; unions, and professional and business associations; recreation, sports, and fitness facilities; hospitals, health care facilities, retirement homes, and community centres and agencies; and in industry and manufacturing; or they may be self-employed. Print | Imprimer

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